
Deportes y el Ocio

Dahua advanced security technology safeguards Toledo Cathedral

The Toledo Cathedral is one of the three 13th-century High Gothic cathedrals and is considered, in the opinion of some authorities, to be the magnum opus of the Gothic style worldwide. In all ages, the Spanish take cultural relics protection as their social responsibility. To ensure proper maintenance and accidents prevention, Spanish religious institution wants a company which has a professional team and advanced technological products.

In the control center of the Cathedral, administrators can have a full-aspect monitoring of each area in the temple, as well as the tapestry museum facilities through Dahua cameras. A hybrid HDCVI and IP solution was chosen to provide Toledo Cathedral security management with the best possible image quality. Besides the basic functions of recording and real time liveview, the system has built in heat detection, magnetic detection, intruder detection & fire detection functions. Dahua security solution provided technical support to the integration with the rest of the security systems in the Cathedral, such as Agora’s PSIM. High resolution 5 Megapixels IP cameras and 2 Megapixel HDCVI cameras were successfully deployed. The very same coaxial cable from the previous plain-old analog CCTV system was re-used to install HDCVI cameras. It saved cost on cabling work and reduced the risk of damaging the historical structure.

Dahua security solution upgraded all the surveillance equipment in the Cathedral. With the help of Dahua customized installation support, cameras are tactically positioned to make it unnoticed by churchgoers and tourists. At the same time, the control center  could have full-aspect monitoring of every corner to stay in control and adopt corresponding measures to different incidents.

Remark: Dahua’s official distributor IPTECNO, and engineering installer ITSA Seguridad, were the main products and solution providers.

"The Cathedral of Toledo is a world in itself, the centuries bestowing it with such an accumulation of great works of art, very diverse one from another, that the fabulousness of its riches and the attractiveness of its diversity produce an impression of astonishment to the point of incredulity”.
---- Élie Lambert (1888–1961 French historian and arc