Produkty Dahua Memory nabízí Dahua Memory Technology Co. Ltd., dceřiná společnost Dahua Technology. Díky dlouholetým zkušenostem v bezpečnostním průmyslu a správě dat nyní vyvíjíme naše vlastní NAND flash produkty, abychom zákazníkům poskytli stabilní a spolehlivé úložiště včetně SSD, paměťové karty, USB flash disky a dalších. S vizí stát se „lídrem v oblasti bezpečného ukládání dat“ budujeme s našimi partnery průmyslový ekologický řetězec, vytváříme vysoce kvalitní produkty a poskytujeme širokou škálu úložných řešení pro spotřebitele po celém světě.

Solid State Drives
Dahua's comprehensive SSD portfolio offers large capacities, high performance and excellent power efficiency suitable for small form factor (SFF) devices. These consumer-grade solid state drives with high-quality 3D wafer chip are designed for personal desktops and notebooks. It offers high data management capability, ensuring quick start-ups and stable transmission.
Memory Card
Only after strict process and comprehensive inspection can Dahua’s memory card be delivered to customers. The rigorous process requirements and overall testing system have made our storage reliable with excellent quality.
USB Flash Drives
Dahua‘s USB flash drive offers excellent performance, reliability and compatibility. Our products are ideal for shooting videos, taking photos, listening to music, playing games, etc. With these USB flash drives, users can keep valuable files safe to allay worries of losing their digital devices.
External Storage
They are portable, compact and easy to operate. With strong compatibility and great performance, our products support various operating systems and come with elegant appearance, making it a suitable gift for friends and family.